We make it easy

Simple, smooth, and quick. That's the best way to describe our online estate plan software. By answering a few simple questions, you will create your own customized, state-specific estate plan in as little as 15 minutes!

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We make it accessible

From the convenience of your home, you can create your own customized estate plan that protects your family and leaves a lasting legacy. Should you have any questions, our expert team is ready to help at a moment's notice.

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We make it affordable

Our comprehensive estate plans start at $149 $99, which is a substantial savings from expensive attorney fees. And, you don’t have to pay high hourly fees to update your estate plan with major life changes. Each Simple estate plan comes with free unlimited updates for the first year.

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We make it secure and safe

In addition to being hosted on the AWS server, Simple uses bank-level encryption to keep your information safe and secure.

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Protect your family

No one knows what tomorrow brings. Complete your estate plan and protect your family today, while you still can.

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